N&C Music FAQs


  • The industry is changing at a rapid pace. Don’t get left behind.

    Step forward into the future and get ahead with us by your side. Every step of the way.

    Work with us to take your ensemble to the next level and elevate your students to the next level of achievement and excellence.

  • If you decide to work with our team, we will personally visit with you to discuss the future of your ensemble. We know you have goals and aspirations you want your ensemble to achieve. Let us know what they are, and we will assist you on your journey.

  • Certainly! We currently accepting applications for our composition team. More information can be found here.

  • We would love to hear from you! Visit our Contact Us page, visit our Facebook page, or email us at info@nandcmusic.com.


  • In addition to marching band music, we offer music for concert band, pep band, varied ensembles, and more. We are also open to commissions and arrangements for any type of music!

  • Of course! Contact us, and we will be happy to discuss your ideas, goals, and needs.

Marching Band

  • Absolutely! Visit our Show Design page for more information, or feel free to contact us with any questions you may have!

  • We are open to serving all programs - regardless of location and size.

  • In order to prepare for your success, we would love to discuss the following before meeting:

    • Current and previous level of performers

    • Past shows

    • Competition history

    • Direction of program growth and anything else you would like us to know

    No longer will there be a strictly professional designer to band relationship but an open and personable designer with band relationship.

  • If you already have an idea, great! We definitely want to build from that and help you develop your ideas to bring your ensemble to their highest potential. Contact us, and we will get started.

Other Ensembles

  • Yes! Contact us with your ideas, and we would be happy to help!

  • Not a problem! We want to break down barriers and limitations to provide music for any type of ensemble, regardless of instrumentation.

    Contact us, and we will meet your needs!

N&C Music Guarantee

  • It is our promise to give back to our community and support local performing arts programs by allocating certain percentages of our profits from various categories towards to fund solely dedicated to giving back. Our current campaign is the N&C Music “Aspire to Inspire” Fund. Learn more here.

  • When the fund reaches a certain amount, a local music program will be selected based on an application process from programs in need, feedback from the community, and other criteria.